The Nutrition Centre High Dependency Unit Completed

We are excited to share that the King's Village Nutrition Centre has a new wing! The Nutrition Centre's High Dependency Unit has been completed and we are in the process of getting it set up with equipment and staff. It looks wonderful!! We are so grateful for this new wing and we know it will drastically impact those who come to the centre.

We would like to extend a very big thank you to the amazing supporters at the Cherish Conference who honoured Ann Carpenter for her long term commitment towards helping the vulnerable children of Northern Ghana. The prize given to her financially made the project possible. Children who are very sick as well as being malnourished and need constant nursing care, will be admitted into this new unit.

Dr. Duah celebrated his birthday during the board meeting and wanted to share his cake with the mothers and families at the nutrition centre. On April 9 we were able to have a small celebration with them and they really enjoyed themselves.